10 november, 2019

2019vr08nov16:3017:30Guest Urban Critic: Alexander D’HoogheMIDDAG | 16:30 - 17:30 TR Schouwburg - Grote ZaalThema:GOEDE GROEIType activiteit:ZAALPROGRAMMA


Guest Urban Critic: Alexander D’Hooghe
Closing lecture SMC19


On behalf of the Van der Leeuwkring, AIR proudly presents Alexander D’Hooghe as the 11th Guest Urban Critic. He will close this years’ SMC with a public lecture, advocating big urban transformation projects as collaborative city-making practices.

“We really can do big projects together, even in our current fragmented reality”.

D’Hooghe has extensive experience in working on complex urban projects, aligning the perspectives of citizens, government, private partners and other experts through design thinking and public discourse. His long term commitment as ‘intendant’ for the Antwerp ‘Over de Ring’ project inspired AIR and the Van der Leeuwkring to invite Alexander D’Hooghe and ask him to reflect, from his personal story and his professional expertise, on the good growth of Rotterdam as an open project for the city and its community.

“Spatial design is a very generous negotiator”.   

About Alexander D’Hooghe
D’Hooghe is visiting professor at the renowned MIT in Boston and the University of Antwerp. He is founding partner of ORG Permanent Modernity, a professional firm and think tank for architecture and urbanism with offices in Brussels and New York. With Alexander D’Hooghe, AIR and the Van der Leeuwkring are inviting an architect and urbanist with a professional as well as an academic career and extensive experience in working on complex urban transformation projects such as the New York post hurricane Sandy ‘Rebuild by Design’ project, the Brussels Canal Zone transformation and the Amsterdam IJ-crossing. Since 2016, Alexander D’Hooghe and his team have been appointed by the Flemish government as  “intendant” for covering the ring road of Antwerp and connecting it full circle. Through an extensive participatory design and dialogue process, D’Hooghe and his team managed to – after 21 years of dispute – align perspectives and organize a ground breaking ‘toekomstverbond’ between government and community. From 2018 the ‘Over de Ring’ project is moving forward from common ground, exploring the design for six connected area’s along the Antwerp ring, aimed at transforming it from a barrier to a basis for reimagining the future of urban life and the livability of the city.  

Read the #SMC19 interview with Alexander by Saskia Naafs – on Vers Beton

Read the #SMC19 interview with Alexander by Elsbeth Grievink – on Architectenweb